Last Few Days of Summer in Copenhagen

Last few days of summer in Copenhagen feel like heaven!

Walking in garden feels like the long, tall trees are talking to you, when you look at them with love, they are saying to you – your life is in Now! So live this moment and forget about past and future.

And I did that today! I was dancing as if nobody was watching me in the garden to my favorite Bollywood songs. It felt awesome.

A lot on my creative plate! – Writing a story for a play, speech writing for my Toastmaster humorous speech contest, script for hosting Copenhagen Storytelling OpenStage and ya personal stuff 🙂

Whats keeping you busy(happily) these days!

Author: passiondesignerblog

below quotes describe me the best way "The goal is to die with memories and not dreams." "Every time you find some humor in a difficult situation, you win."

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