24 Days to 30th Birthday – Expand Your Horizon

Are you living a routine life and wondering where is the fun?
Do you work Monday to Friday and over the weekend all that you do is time pass with family and friends?

When I started working in IT industry the weekends were the mode to relax and chill out to get ready for the coming week. Monday was always boring and never welcomed. This went on for 3 years of my first job life.

I was working and earning money but was not satisfied.

I took a new role in a new company to kill the boredom but the same routine continued.

I was then introduced to Toastmasters in the year 2013. Toastmasters brought a new perspective in my life. I joined the Mumbai Toastmaster Club to hone my public speaking and leadership skills. The club meets every Sunday from 10 AM – 1 PM in Bandra, Mumbai.

As I always say Toastmaster has changed my life and now I am following my passion only because of being a Toastmaster.

I started going to my club EVERY Sunday. It was very rare for me to not go to my club. My priority changed. I chose Toastmasters over my weekend time with my family, fun time with my friends, movie time, doing nothing time, getting up late on Sunday time, EVERYTHING.

This one change unfurled my life to new learning, new opportunities and new dreams in my life. Joining Toastmasters led to joining Improv classes, doing stand-up comedy, doing theatre and then finally leaving my job to follow my passion for Acting.

During those times in Mumbai, Monday no longer bored me. It felt to me that my week already started on Sunday with an awesome meeting at Toastmasters.

Take one step to break the monotony in life. Do something in your free time especially over the weekend. One thing that interests you. Keep expanding your horizon.

Turning 30 feels awesome!

Author: passiondesignerblog

below quotes describe me the best way "The goal is to die with memories and not dreams." "Every time you find some humor in a difficult situation, you win."

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