First blog post

This is the post excerpt.

Hey All,

It feels awesome to finally get started with my own blog. A lot to share, a lot to write, a lot to read and a life to explore. I searched on Google what is the difference between dreams and passion. I found out that Dream is something you want to be and Passion is something you love doing. Then in my case I have a dream to always follow my passion.

This is Kriti from Mumbai. I love giving speeches at Toastmaster meetings, doing stand up comedy and writing.


Author: passiondesignerblog

below quotes describe me the best way "The goal is to die with memories and not dreams." "Every time you find some humor in a difficult situation, you win."

7 thoughts on “First blog post”

  1. Wow, that is quite something.
    You know what, we have these Toastmasters sessions every Wednesday and a good friend of mine is the President here, but the turnout is so rare. What I felt is these guys would be very happy if you were here.

    Anyhow, congratulations on starting a blog and also for following your passion. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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